Tuesday 19 January 2010

Blog The First

Hello to anybody who is looking at this ! I wanted to start a blog because I occasionally want to put something "out there" to show the things that interest me, and which I hope somebody else may find interesting too.
I can remember being lost in drawing from a very early age - making imaginary worlds, even with the H pencils that my Dad brought back from" the drawing office". I drew on the backs of bits of old designs cut up and made into books by him , it was great escapism in the days before television for children lasted more than twenty minutes a day . I can still remember the smell of that paper , with the cut up engineering design in blue (blueprints)on one side and gloriously white on the other side .
There were also in the shops,these horrible drawing books for children made of something like thin shiny newsprint that seemed to reject pencil unless it was very dark and what`s more came in pale colours that made it a waste of time trying to use coloured pencils ! I also drew where I was not supposed to - in the blank pages at the ends of my picture books - I think i knew it was naughty but I felt compelled to do it and I can`t remember being told off for it ...

Even while very small ,I can remember making drawings of the house I would like to live in - typical for a taurus one might say ! I still find home design/interiors books fascinating and much prefer to curl up on the sofa with one of them rather than , say, a fashion magazine . One of these early drawings of a house in cross section (pre-school - so about 3-4 years old ) I brought out of the attic when an art student in the 70s. I made a fabric picture inspired by it , done in a tearing hurry while home from college for the weekend, on my mother`s sewing machine . And again , a few years ago , I made a painting using lots of those lovely little sample pots of (suitably)house decorating paint . I`m not sure that the result is all that good but i enjoyed the activity.


About Me

Hello this is my space to speak to anyone out there who is interested in similar things to those i am interested in ! Ever since i was tiny i have loved making things -i will have a go at most things - drawing, painting, sewing, embroidery , gardening, ... the sort of things that light me up are visual treats , colour, floral, painterly , pretty, funny , quirky , antique or vintage...